Friday, January 31, 2014

No Super Bowl Sunday for Me!

I am not a football fan.  I couldn't tell you what teams are participating in the Super Bowl this Sunday even if my life depended on it.  I do believe? the Seattle Seahawks are one of the opposing teams.  I watched a news clip on why the number 12 is so important to the good folks of the state of Washington. I must confess, even after watching the clip, I still don't get the reason why the #12 strikes such a cord of love for the Seahawk fans.  By the way, to the Seattle woman who gave her newborn baby girl the middle name 12th, I hope you are prepared for the teenage hissy fit that awaits you in her 12th year of life.

So, if you aren't a big fan of football - like me - I have a suggestion ....

An afternoon tea party and a viewing of the next Downton Abbey episode or start from Season One and do a Downton Abbey binge!  

If you are stumped as to the proper way in hosting a tea party, here is a link to BBC Good Food on how to throw such an event.

and courtesy of HELLO magazine, a few suggestions on how to behave as a guest at a tea party -                   

1. Pour the tea through a strainer, holding the lid securely

2. Pour in the milk

3. Make sure you stir vertically in a 6 to 12 motion, careful not to spill any tea

4. Do not stir in a circular motion clinking the china as you go

5. Lift the tea gently off the table, careful not to hold it too high

6. Do not hook your finger through the handle

7. Do not hold the cup around the bowl to warm your hands

8. Do not stick your pinky out in an attempt to appear sophisticated

9. Break your scone in half; do not cut with a knife. If the scone is baked correctly, it should part without crumbling

10. Put your jam and cream on the side of the plate not directly on the scone

11. Do not smear the condiments on the scone whilst holding it up in the air like so in an ungainly fashion

12. Delicately dab the side of your mouth with your napkin as needed

13. Do not aggressively smear your face into the napkin

Okay!  Got it?

Happy Super Bowl Sunday and may the best team win ..... whoever you are!

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